Besides our angel turning another month older, Carlos is finishing up wrestling season. He took one girl to State...the first time for his high school in 6 years. It is a pretty big deal and to say I am proud of my husband is an understatement. He works so hard with those kids and makes such a positive impact in their lives. And a great thing about wrestling season ending? I get my husband back on weekends and in the evenings! I will get a little relief with Eli's bedtime routine and maybe get to eat dinner and get dishes done before 8:30 (that may not seem late to most but when you are parents, it is BEDTIME!). I am excited to get things done around the house that have been neglected and to start working on some other "projects" that need to get started. The next 4 months are going to be very busy and I need my hubby to be around to help take on the heavy load we are about to encounter!
We are also planning on coming to AZ for Spring Break and I am terrified of bringing Elijah on a plane. At first I was really excited but now I am thinking it is gonna be a lot harder than I imagined. He is crawling and trying to keep him entertained and in one spot for more than 5 minutes is becoming a challenge. Changing his diaper and getting him dressed is about a million times harder now than it was when he was a newborn. I can't keep him still and I have mastered putting on a diaper and getting him into clothes while he is on his tummy. So keeping him on a plane for 2 hours, somewhat stationary, is going to be interesting. Plus all the stuff that comes along like the carseat, stroller, and luggage. If any moms who have travelled have any advice, give it to me! I just have to remember to breathe and relax. If anything too horrendous happens I will tell myself that one day it will be funny...right??
So onto milestones and what we have learned. This last month has been a big one!
-CRAWLING!!!! He literally got up on all fours and scooted once one day and the next day he was taking a few "crawls" at a time! Now we are at the "I am officially mobile" stage and that is kinda scaring me! Babyproofing is in process and I am just enjoying every moment. He is so cute when his little butt goes up in the air and he just smiles like he so proud of what he is doing.
Here is some proof :)
Officially mobile!
Action shot!
-So of course Eli has found his tongue but recently he has been moving it around alot more and making different kinds of noises. They call them multi-syllabic noises and as a teacher, it is funny because it reminds me alot of how I decode words with my kids except in baby babble :) His inotations are hilarious too. He gets excited, happy, angry, frustrated, etc.
-Along with crawling he is also pulling up a little too. He will crawl over to me and pull up on me to his knees. The other day he did it with the coffee table too. Does it really happen that fast and so close to eachother?? It is crazy!
-He likes to hold his own bottle now. It makes me a little sad because I liked being needed in that way. But now he is a "big boy" and holding his bottle apparently comes with the territory. He also gets very upset if he sees the bottle while I am making it and it isn't in his hand in about 2 milliseconds. This might be mean, but I think it is adorable. My little piggy gets his food or else he lets you know all about how much it bothers him.
-Eli started to fake laugh and cry. I am not sure where babies learn this but I guess it is just a way of him expressing himself. It is pretty darn cute I have to admit. And when he gets frustrated he makes this panting sound. It is funny and I need to get it on video and post it.
-Like mentioned previously, how to dress a child on his tummy, his side, while crawling away and trying different ways to just get him to lay still. Sometimes you have to be creative!
-Babies grow too fast. Wah.
-Remembering to brush the teeth of a 6/7 month old is really hard. Especially since he only has two little teeth. I HAVE GOT to get better at it. Ugh.
-Date night needs to happen more than like once a month :) It is definitely easier said than done...especially when we both work. We are so busy with our schedules we just want to be all together as a family but it is good for our marriage to go out at least every 2 weeks just Carlos and I even if it is just for a quick drink.
-There is a reason for "transitional" tubs. We tried to put Eli in the big tub because he is so dang long that his baby tub just isn't cutting it anymore and he FREAKED. SO we are in transition. We are too small for the baby tub the big tub is just too much. So transitional blowup tub it is. We will be trying it out this weekend :/
-Teething will always suck. Nothing makes it better and it's hard on everyone. But it's a part of the whole experience and so I try to treasure it. "Try" is the operative word here.
-Once a baby learns to crawl, they really aren't lying when they say that there is no stopping them!
-Decorations in the house are a no-go. What decorations? Exactly. Slowly but surely everything is being put higher or being packed away. I guess it is time to be creative in that department for a while :)
And you know what time it is...!!!!
PICTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 7 months buggy!
Very happy boy!
We love our tongue!
And there he is with his facial expressions. I have NO idea where he gets that from...*ahem*
Sweet angel :)
Got my toes!
With Chico
Our big boy!
Carlos' face says it all. Taking photos of a wiggly 7 month old is NOT easy!
Love his little teeth and messed up hair in this picture!
He fell over and thinks it's hilarious...
Goofy boy!
After bath time with daddy!
Papa came to visit!
Tired but happy to be with his Papa :)
His Papa loves him VERY much!
Bonding :)