Thursday, September 20, 2012

So I took a little blog hiatus...

Well the last time I attempted to write on here, Elijah was 10 months old. I actually wrote a draft and never posted it because I couldn't get his 10 month photos to download. And that marked the 3 month hiatus from blogging on my end. There was (and is!) so much going on that I had to let some things fall by the wayside and unfortunately, blogging was one of them. But, I am back! We shall see if I can get back into the groove of this thing. I really enjoy blogging and it is a stress reliever for me as well. I like to think that by sharing the honest (and sometimes ugly) side of motherhood and parenthood as Carlos and I encounter it, it helps other parents relate...or at least makes them chuckle. So this blog post will be rather lengthy. We have a lot to catch up on blogland! Here goes...

So first things first. I am still very much pregnant. I am currently almost 28 weeks along and the third trimester really seemed to creep up on us. I can't believe that in a matter of a few months we are going to be parents of TWO. And not just parents of two...parents of two BOYS. Lord help us. Boys are amazing though and although very energetic, they are truly mama's little angels. When we found out we were having a boy (Luke) people CONSTANTLY asked if I was upset because he wasn't a girl. Really people?? Does it matter? I think it is such a sad question...its almost as if having two of the same gender is a tragedy. I could not imagine having it any other way and I am SO excited to be the mommy of two wonderful, bouncing, energetic, and loving baby boys. As for trying for another one to get a girl...well quite simply, NO THANKS. We are done. I love being a mom but two is enough. We have always decided that four was the family number for us and now that it has become a reality, we hold strong to the belief that its still the right thing for us. I want to delve a little bit into some things that have been on my mind about this whole "mom of two" thing but let's get to that in a bit. I still have a lot to talk about people.

We are officially Arizonans. We live in an amazing neighborhood in the west valley and we feel so blessed to be able to call it our home. For now we are renting but we plan to buy in the next year or so. Renting was just the easiest option for us as we made the transition from Austin to Phoenix. I am currently working for Litchfield School District (A district! Texas teacher friends...that is the equivalent of exemplary) and I get to work with my best friend!! It has been a roller coaster when you combine the pregnancy, leaving our home, starting new careers/jobs, and still trying to maintain a normal balance at home. I come home most days exhausted but I come home knowing that everything we have done and we continue to do is for our family and it is worth it. I miss AUstin and our friends terribly. Sometimes I forget that we don't have a Torchy's down the road or that we can't take Eli down to Zilker park for the day and it makes me a little blue. But then I think of how amazing it is to have my family close and our friends here who love us and support us. We made this move because it was the right financial thing to do...and we know that it was the only way we could afford a family of four comfortably. It is a HUGE transition period in our lives and there are still bumps daily that we work through but it is getting easier. Life is a series of changes and you either roll with them or you don't. We are rolling with them and so far we are very happy, blessed, and changed for the better. I think our marriage is stronger because we did this together...we have had to rely on eachother for support and a shoulder to cry on. We have had to learn how to manage our stress levels and make sure we prioritize our lives, regardless of what comes up. I love my husband more now than I ever have. He amazes me each and every day and sometimes (ok, ok probably more so nowadays with these damn hormones) when I snap or ask him to take on every single household chore, I realize all over again how absolutely, eternally in love with him I truly am.

Here are some pictures of the halfway decorated house. At some point in time I will post better pictures of a house that is cleaner and nicer looking. THere are no pictures of the upstairs because at the time of these photos, it was a total disaster. Hey, I'm an honest girl!

 The kitchen looking in from the family room

 Other side of the kitchen and a nook for a small office space. To the right of the picture is the door to the garage.

 The family room

 From the front door. To the right is a guest bathroom and stairs. To the left is our formal dining area.

 Looking out the front door. We have a park right across the street!

 Our big front porch. Can't wait until it is cool enough to relax out here!

 Our steps :)

 Leo greeting everyone who comes to the front door :)


Downstairs guest 1/2 bath

And speaking of deep, eternal love, Elijah is doing amazing! He is now a little over 13 months old and he is growing way too fast.  I can't believe our baby is now a toddler! What happened y'all?!?!?! I seriously think I need someone to explain this to me. Everytime I look back at his baby photos, I cry. Carlos has to tell me to stop because I really get myself worked up and its so ridiculous! I love that he is thriving and becoming such a little man, but I miss those baby days. And one day when he is getting married or going off to college, I will be in shock all over again. Being a parent is such a blessing and a curse. And as bad as that sounds it is true. You unconditionally love your babies...but with every passing moment they get older and you know (in the back of your mind) that one day they grow up and they leave the "nest". It just doesn't seem fair. I know, I know. Life's not fair (blah blah blah) but I  just want my little boy to stay my little boy. As a working mom it is hard sometimes because you feel like you miss so much of the day with them. Sadly, I spend more time with my second graders than I do with my own child. I hate that realization. It depresses me. But then I realize how much Eli loves his school and how much he has gained from it. I know that the time I do have with him is true quality time because I know it's limited until the next day when I get home. There are still pros and cons of the working/stay at home mom bit and for now, I still lean towards the working mom side for our family. But who knows, that may change and if it does, we have the flexibility to make it happen. For now I revel in the pure joy I see in my son's face when I pick him up from school and how he runs to me all wobbly, arms wide, grinning ear to ear, squealing. It is my happy place.

We have had a lot of changes this last year but what fun is life without change? I know that in the next year we plan on buying/building a new house and yes, inevitably, probably buying a bigger car (Honda Pilot anyone?) and I have come to the conclusion that life just isn't going to slow down in the near future. Sometimes this thought completely consumes and overwhelms me and sometimes I am able to step back and realize how blessed we are to be able to experience these life changes. God is so good and we are so blessed...good times and bad.

Gender Reveal/ Elijah's First Birthday Party

For sake of time, I am combining both events on one blog post. Being a mommy doesn't allow for a lot of down time so I take what I can get :)

So because this is our last baby, we decided to have a gender reveal party and not find out the sex of the baby until we could find out with some family and friends. We TOTALLY missed our family from all over, but especially in Texas. If I had several computers, I would have figured out how to get everyone on Skype to share the moment but my technological skills only go so far :) My bestie Ness, helped set up the entire thing and filled a box full of balloons so when we opened the box we would see either blue or pink balloons fly out. Everyone made a guess as to what Baby Saenz was going to be, ate dinner, and anxiously awaited the news! 

It's a BOY!!!!

 So blessed and happy!!!

 There is the proof!

 So much fun and so cute!

We already love you so much Luke!

We are so thrilled to be having another little boy!!! I couldn't imagine our family turning out any other way honestly! There is something so special about little boys and their relationship with their mamas. I know it is so cliche, but its true. Is it kind of strange not knowing what it will be like to have a girl? Sure, but that feeling is so minute, so insignificant, that it has literally crossed my mind only ONCE. I can't wait to take my boys to their soccer games or their football practices (I am totally speculating here but if its ballet they want, I can't wait for that either!). Being the mom of two amazing, precious boys is such a gift and miracle (and yes, tiring). Let the adventures of dirt, bugs, and gooey things begin!

P.S. By date the grossest thing Elijah has done is put a cockroach in his mouth. Half alive. And I had to dig it out. Oh. My. Gosh. PUKE.


For Elijah's first birthday, we had our wonderful family and friends over and really just drank and hung out (I didn't drink although I wish I could've!). It was such a fun day of celebration and love, acknowledging that our son had already been with us for one whole year! It has been the best, most life changing year of our lives. Our love for our little man is unsurpassable and it is amazing in such simple, little ways. Everyday I don't think it is possible to love him any more and the next morning comes and I am proven wrong once again. How big can one heart possibly get??? 

His birthday theme was The Very Hungry Caterpillar and it was so cute (if I do say so myself). When he was a newborn, his amazing Godparents (and photographers) photographed him in a Very Hungry Caterpillar swaddling cloth and was such a neat connection to his party and the the picture of him in that outfit was featured front and center! To think he was ever that small...:(

To make it simple (being pregnant with a one year old is not easy) we had Jimmy Johns sandwich platters, sides, and cupcakes. I wanted to have some outdoor activities but it was way too hot. Even a pool in 110 is a little much for all the little ones who attended. Needless to say we had a blast and one day it will be so neat to share all the pictures with Eli. For the sake of everyone involved, I will not post even remotely 1/4 of the photos we took that day. Here are just a few that get the point across :)

 Our big boy!

 Made by mommy:)

 Right before opening gifts!


 Where has our baby gone??

 Smash cake time!

 Ah! This is so fun!

And now I am so over it.

Shortly after this photo, he went down for a nap. :)

Eli: 10 Months

I am getting really bad at keeping up with this. But there is so much I WANT to write, I just plain ol' don't have the time to do it. Between the resigning of my old job, finding another, packing up my entire classroom, having an almost toddler, everything else for this move (oh and being pregnant)'s been a little crazy. But amidst the craziness, our little man has grown so much and does new things every day. He is the best thing in our day, each and every day. At 10 months old, he is doing alot. He turned 10 months on the 23rd so I will save what he has done the last couple weeks for his 11 month update. Here we go...


-He is still pulling up like crazy. He cruises all over the place and it is so cute to see him try to figure out how to transfer from one piece of furniture to another.

-He adds new noises and babbling to his baby talk every day. He says all the basic sounds like "mama" and "dada" and "nana" but all his other "words"are too hard to write out.

-He shakes his head no.

-He dances...not alot but he will get down when the mood strikes him.

-He pulls all the books and toys off the shelves and out of the toybox. Not sure if this is a milestone but its one of his favorite things to do :)

-Eli has a little personaity. And by that I mean, he is a little fireball. He has his mama's feistiness...and at  times it shows. I am not saying this is a bad thing...but at times its, well, interesting.

-He loves to sit in a cart and shop.

-DVD's are his new "toys".

-He touches himself. Sorry guys but its true. And I can't get used to it. The doctor (yes I asked the doctor) said it is perfectly normal at his age. Lord, help me with a growing boy :/

-He LOVES Elmo...still. And I can't find an Elmo toy that sings (that is also interesting for a 10 month old) without spending a small fortune.

-Eli ZOOMS around this house on his walker. He is hilarious. He just smiles and drools as he races around :)

-He loves giving hugs and burying his face in your shoulder.


-That with a mobile child comes bumps and bruises. I hate it but it's just a fact of life.

-Eli is starting to slowly but surely turn into a toddler. We have to tell him no every once and awhile, distract him with another toy so he is diverted from doing what he isn't supposed to be doing.

-Sometimes, even if you don't thing you will, you just give in. It's silly things, like giving him the iPhone during dinner so you can take a bite of dinner. Or picking up the dropped/thrown toy off the floor for the thousandth time and not wiping it off. I am convinced that a little dirt is good for them. I am more concerned about the germs on a shopping cart honestly.

So on to pictures. Every month it becomes increasingly harder to get "good" pictures of Elijah because he is just so active and doesn't want to sit still. Here are the best we could get this month :)

**EDIT: I never posted this because I somehow lost the card with his 10 month photos on it!!! But at least we got the info :)