Its a 5 letter word that carries alot of weight when you are a new mom. It is an emotion that I have felt about various things since I had Elijah. I am here to share a few of those things that I have felt guilty about. Some of them I have come to terms with and some, well, not so much.
Nursing: This has by far been the hardest thing for me. Because of having a C-Section there have been a couple issues I won't go into. Just know that I couldn't nurse for the first few weeks which led to supplementing with formula. Aaannnd this is where the guilt started. I felt awful that I had to give my baby some synthetically produced milk because thats not "the best" thing for him. But lets be honest...this child went from 7 lbs to 10 in a matter of three weeks. He is an eater! Anyways, I tried nursing several times and it is by far, one of the HARDEST things I have ever done. I am sure alot of moms out there can agree with me on this. It hurts, it seems like all you ever do is nurse, you are exhausted, etc etc etc. Well I am happy to say that I FINALLY was able to start nursing again recently. But now...well my production is slowing down ALOT. Of course I feel guilty about this because somehow I have convinced myself it is my "fault". I am doing everything in my power to make it last...phenugrek supplements, extra pumping/ nursing as often as I can. The next few days will tell whether or not I can continue nursing or not. The point is this: Yes, I feel guilty. Rational Jessica knows that I shouldn't. Mommy Jessica feels like I am doing my child a disservice. Is formula going to hurt him? No (duh!) but I think part of the guilt comes from what society expects. I get the most RANDOM people asking "Are you breastfeeding?" (like its really any of their business) and I answer "I am doing my best" with a smile on my face. Maybe soon I will come to terms with the fact I probably won't nurse for much longer (especially with impending daycare) but for now this is one that I haven't quite comes to terms with yet.
See this chunk?!! Case and point.
Daycare/Staying at home: So this is a tricky one. For starters, I have always known that we did not have a choice when it came to daycare. As two teachers we both have to work or else we just can't make it financially. So that means our children have to go to a daycare. I have absolutely nothing against daycare or working mothers. I actually quite admire them...women who can go to work all day and come home, switch into mommy mode, and do it all over again the next day....well thats impressive! We have a great daycare lined up for little guy. It is in a lutheran church and it is literally 3 minutes up the road from my work. I know in my heart that he will be in amazing hands and will thrive by being around other little ones and getting to socialize with other adults. But I am also extremely sad that I can't be the one who takes care of him every day. I am his mom. I am the one who feeds him, rocks him, changes him, knows his noises and cries. I worry that they will not understand what he wants or needs at daycare. Again, rational Jessica knows this is silly but mommy Jessica is still feeling guilt at having to leave them with people he doesn't know yet. My biggest fear (don't worry, I am aware it is also irrational) is that he will forget who I am or that he will be "mad" at me. Yeah, I know, I know.
So why does it say "Daycare/
Staying at home" you ask? Well as much as I hate the idea of having to leave my baby everyday to go to work, I also look forward to being able to go back to the job I love so much. Thankfully, I love my career, what I do, and the people I work with. I think I have realized over the last 6 weeks that I am NOT stay-at-home mommy material. I enjoy my days with Eli...until about 4:00 and then I start to get tired of being in full-on-no-help mommy mode. I start to get frustrated and honestly, I just want someone else to take him for a bit. The guilt stems from the other half of me just wanting to go back to work for my own sanity. I truly believe that the time I get with Eli after work and on the weekends will be that much more precious and I won't feel so burned out so fast. So this is a double edged sword. I am torn by two conflicting feelings. I am sure in time, the guilt will fade but for now I am working on just allowing myself to feel OKAY with the whole thing.
Carlos: I don't really discuss this with my husband but I do occasionally feel guilty about handing over the baby to Carlos when he gets home from work. He has had a very long, exhausting day and he comes home to a wife who smells like sour milk, is lucky if she's brushed her hair, and is handed a (usually fussy) baby. But this is why I love him so much and why I know Elijah has such an amazing daddy: He has never once complained...not ONCE. He takes him and loves on him and talks with him while I get a mommy break (heck, even doing dishes is ok as long as I can do it without holding the baby!). He is truly amazing and my foundation. I love him so much and even though I do feel guilt about this at times, I know that he doesn't mind. And when we both go back to work it will be different. Who knows, we may even fight over who gets to hold baby ;)
Amazing daddy...awesome husband...perfect little boy.
So in closing on the guilt topic...I think guilt is just one of those things I will always feel as a mom. Whether its about daycare or grounding him because he was out past curfew, it comes with the mommy territory. The best thing to do is probably just come to terms with that realization and just focus on the time I have with him and not what I may or may not be doing wrong.
Changing directions here because I had to share this little bit of what I did yesterday and how I felt about it. :)
I had my final doctors appointment yesterday to make sure I was healed and that I was ready to resume all normal activities. Thankfully, everything looked great and I was cleared. I got to show off Eli to the doctor who brought him into this world (such a neat experience by the way) and I scheduled my annual appointment. Thats right, not my next prenatal appointment or an ultrasound. Just a boring annual checkup. I almost teared up a little! Look, its not secret that I was not IN LOVE with being pregnant. I enjoyed it up until about the 3rd trimester...maybe it had something to do with being that pregnant in 1,000 degree weather or my cankles. Either way, I realized in that moment that I was sad that my first pregnancy journey was ending. Good times and bad, it was a journey that brought me my beautiful miracle and it was like closing a chapter because we were starting this new one. I might be crazy but I was truly sad. It took Carlos and I SEVEN months to finally get pregnant, I was pregnant for nine...this had been a good year and few months of my life for goodness sake! It was a strange feeling knowing I wouldn't be seeing my doctor every month or the awesome nurses that work in her office. No more ultrasounds, no more heart tones. But then I looked down at my beautiful baby boy, screaming his head off, and I smiled. And then I looked at my skinny, non-swollen, pretty feet and suddenly, I was over it. I left the office, glad I wasn't returning until January. That book was closed and a new one has been opened and I really couldn't be happier!
Even with all the little man is happy and thats all I wish for him.