Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

This last weekend was Labor Day weekend and it was so nice to have three days where we could see friends, family and just hang out with us three as a little family unit.  We got alot done that we had been putting off or rather, just have not been able to do because of severe lack of time. And we crossed a major hurdle this weekend.  Elijah has his first sleepover. Yes, its true.

Eli got to spend Saturday night with his Grandma Saenz. She had been asking us to let her take him for weeks so we could rest but I just wasn't ready to be apart from him. I really don't think I was ready this time either but I needed some sleep. And some time alone with my husband. So I gave in.

Now not every mother agrees with the idea of letting a less than 2 month old go and spend the night somewhere other than home, but one thing I have realized is that no mother should judge another mother. We all do things differently and we all need to support one another. I won't lie. It was EXTREMELY hard to leave my little man with someone else. I trust Carlos' mom very, very much and the fact she works at a daycare makes it even more reassuring that she knows how to keep up with a baby's needs. But nonetheless, I cried when I said goodbye to him. I was silent the entire way home with Carlos just holding my hand. I needed the car ride to just gather my emotions and realize that Eli was safe and that he wasn't mad at me (yes...I thought he would be mad at me when he figured out I wasn't there in the middle of the night).  It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I kept feeling guilty (there is that word again!) because we needed some time to ourselves. I felt like I was at a crossroads: do I just suffer through the exhaustion and continue to feel frustrated but not leave my baby or do I leave him overnight, sleep, and ultimately feel much better the next day? The right choice was obvious but it doesn't mean it was easy :/

By the time we got home I was ok. It was eerily silent in the house and I kept thinking I heard him crying (its those dang phantom baby noises that I know all you mamas out there hear. And when you look at the monitor, baby is sound asleep. Oh yeah you know what I'm talkin' about). Carlos and I were able to finish the bottle of wine we had gotten at dinner (oh yeah we went on a date before hand...we had to take full advantage of this!) and watched a few episodes of a show. Then we went to bed. And we slept...for like 8 1/2 hours. Granted, I woke up a few times because I think I am just used to it now, but the important thing is we got rest. And it was glorious. 

The next day (Sunday) we were able to clean the REALLY clean it and then go grocery shopping without being rushed outta there by a screaming baby. Then of course we rushed over to Carlos' mom's house so I could snuggle my little love bug. And I am gonna say this: I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to be the best mom I could be. My little break from Eli made me want to be better for him. The overnight stay was good for us as parents and it was good for us as a married couple. We needed some us time even if we felt old staying in on a Saturday on our "night off" :) 

On Sunday we had some friends over to watch the A&M vs SMU game.  You better believe Eli was decked out in maroon! I could kick myself for not taking any pictures of him watching his first A&M game. Oh yeah, thats right. He SLEPT through the entire thing! I put him in his crib fully expecting him to wake up at least by halftime but no...he slept through the whole game! Well at least the adults enjoyed themselves! It was nice to be able to drink and laugh and just enjoy adult time with the ones we love. And we were loud ya'll. Like, really loud and Elijah didn't wake up...thats my boy :)

On actual Labor Day, we just kind of hung around the house. I would have loved to go to a pool party we were invited to but I got nervous of the idea of keeping Eli out in the sun somewhere that wasn't home. So Carlos got his work done for the next day and later in the afternoon we went to East Metro Park, laid out a blanket under a huge tree, stripped our little sunblock lathered baby to his diaper, and enjoyed an hour in the AMAZING weather. Carlos ran the pup a bit and Eli laid contently in the shade. He LOVED when the wind would blow. He would close his eyes and coo. Cutest thing I have ever seen (ok, EVERYTHING he does is the cutest thing ever).  It was a beautiful afternoon with our beautiful family :) Lets hope the weather cols down a little more so we can do more of this outside stuff. I have almost forgotten what it feels like to breathe fresh air...

Our little park setup :)

The wind was blowing here. Bliss.

I just like his face in this one :)

He was talking in this one. I am pretty sure he was telling me how much he loves me and how great I am. Pretty sure.

My two main men. My two  proudest decisions  right here.

Beautiful park (besides the drought ridden grass) and beautiful weather!

Lets not forget the pup. He loved the park too. Isn't he handsome?

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