Anywhooooo. The time has come again to update Eli and his progress this last month. My not-so-little-baby is now 4 months old! He weighs 17 lbs, 6 oz and is 26 1/4 inches long! He really is a big boy...not quite sure how that happened. Carlos and I aren't exactly "big and tall" people over here! Regardless, he is perfect and healthy. And perfect. (Did I already mention that??)
I feel like ever since Eli hit about 3 1/2 months, he has been doing something new everyday! Time is just absolutely flying and I want to make it slow down but it is impossible. I have tried. I have to say that I have learned that no matter what I do, what I try, etc. babies change on a daily basis. And I am not just talking about milestones. I am talking about sleep habits, feedings...well, really just those two things. We are down to waking up only once a night. We were up to two nightly feedings but apparently little guy decided to help us out and go back down to only one. And I really wish they would have taught us this in that parent manual we received at the hospital (yeah right I wish!)....BABIES DON'T EVER GET ON A TRUE SCHEDULE. lasts for about 4 days and then it completely changes. Some days we take 3 naps for an hour a piece. Other days we don't want to nap at all. Some nights we go right to sleep. Some nights we fuss and fuss AND FUSS. I have learned to accept this and realize that this whole parenting thing is a surprise EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I love it. I really do. I wake up every morning ready to see Eli and his beautiful face. Not once do I wake up and not get butterflies in my tummy to go and see him in his crib, ready to pick him up and ask what his dreams were about and if he was ready to have a fun day. It is an excitement and love I cannot explain. What an intense love you feel as a parent. As a mom. It is true when they call it a gift. There is no better gift than being a parent...raising your creation that God has blessed you with. I am amazed with this realization every day!
-ROLLING OVER FROM HIS BACK TO HIS TUMMY!!! He now sleeps on his tummy. I can't stop him. I have tried. The first night I found him like that, I bolted out of bed and scared the living sh** out of him and I rolled him over. Not my smoothest moment but hey...I am a first time mom.
-He lifts himself up all the way on his arms now. He tries to scoot and scuffle but of course crawling is not possible right now. I just think he thinks it is.
-We are eating solid foods! He ate sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving but we are starting slow with some rice cereal for a week or so. Then this momma will be making all his baby food....I seriously cannot wait. I am buying a baby food system this weekend and can't wait to get started. I love cooking so this is really exciting for me! :)
-He got his first bouncer and entertainer. HE LOVES IT. He is such an active lil' booger.
-He is officially teething. Goodness gracious...please Lord let it go somewhat smoothly and painlessly (pray for us please!)
-Eli sleeps swaddle free now! I have to say, this was by far the hardest transition we have had. It was rough. And exhausting. And sleepless. But we survived :)
-Tylenol is a life saver. Amen.
-Teething tablets are a close second. Hallelujah.
-Elijah is gonna be a good eater. I mean if you have ever seen my child, did ya think anything different??
-Once they are strong enough to roll over onto their tummies, it is ok to let them sleep on their tummies. Do not have a mommy freak out like some people I know.
-Weaning baby off a swaddler is NOT easy. We had a few really rough, sleepless nights. DId I already mention this? Yeah. It really was that fun!
And now for the pictures....:)
I just love this picture. The lighting is so neat and well, the subject is pretty dang perfect.
Yep. I am a big boy in my Entertainer :)
Um. This look is gonna get him in a lot of trouble one day. It is his version of "blue steel." What a lady killer.
Ha. Everything goes in his mouth. Literally EVERYTHING and he likes to make funny faces because he realizes that half the stuff he puts in his mouth is awful tasting.
Mid "scream" with mommy. We just have way too much fun!
His first time in his bouncer.
Absolute pure joy. My heart melts every time I see this photo. God is good all the time!
With his Chico.
Sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving!
Not quite sure...
He wanted more!!!
Swinging with mama!
I just love this outfit. I remember buying it for him when I learned we were having a boy and thinking "It will be forever until I can actually put him in it." It is one of my favorite outfits for him and it is already getting too small :/
First time seeing a Christmas tree...look at that body language!
Talk about true Christmas joy...this just epitomizes it!
As does this. Love my boy. *heart melting* <---if you can't tell, this is a daily occurrence :)