I said I would write a new post for the blog like two weeks ago. Hey, what can I say? Mommy-hood got in the way :)
So Elijah is 3 1/2 months old. Which is such an amazing thing and also a form of torture. Why you ask? Because. I have to put away all these adorable, tiny little clothes he doesn't fit into anymore. I cry over this chore every time I do it. I thought when I had to put the newborn clothes away that that would be the one and only time it would happen. I was SO wrong. I did it when I put his 0-3 months clothing away and I did it when I put his 3 month clothes away (yeah we got a big boy on our hands!) and I am sure it will happen again when his 6 month clothing goes into the bin to be put in the attic.
He is just growing so fast! He does so many new things everyday and for that I am thankful. It really is like Christmas Day every morning. Eli is such a happy baby and waking up to that smiling, drooly face is absolute magic. It has to be better than winning the lottery. I wouldn't personally know but I am pretty sure I'm right. :)
Elijah continues to be my greatest gift and blessing. He brings a joy into our lives that is absolutely unexplainable. Here are just a few of the milestones and new cute things he is doing!
-We have started the very early stages of teething. What this means: drool (everywhere!), fussiness, hand in his mouth ALWAYS, and teething toys (he isn't too crazy about them yet)
-Laughing!!! We aren't quite at a belly laugh yet but boy are we close!
-His neck is getting so much stronger everyday. He is holding up his own head now with a little bit of support here and there.
-He can sit up straight for a few seconds and then its kaboom! He topples over.
-He is reaching for toys and holding onto them. We practice everyday holding onto a toy while I pull it a little to strengthen those muscles and motor skills!
-Everything that movies, talks, lights up, etc. is being looked at by my baby's beautiful blue eyes. He is just so curious about everything that is happening and doesn't want to miss a thing!
-Unfortunately, he got his first little cold at 3 months. We have had to suction out his nose every morning and night and every now and then he has a little cough. I am praying that he doesn't have the ear infection issue that his daddy had when he was young. :/
-We are still rolling over every now and again. He is a pro at rolling to his side from his tummy and from his back to his side. We just can't seem to perfect the full rollover quite yet.
Pictures? You want pictures? Well ok then! Here are just a few out of like a bajillion I have taken :)
With his Chico!
Daddy and Eli having some bonding time!
Love this!
Yo mama! What's up?
Most. Mischievious. Grin. EVER.
(Oh no you didn't!) Oh, yes I did.
This is what teething looks like right now. Plus more drool. Plus crying.
Praying for something. Maybe mommy to put down the camera. Who really knows.
Oh Lord. I really don't think I could have captured his personality any better than in this photo. I completely MELT every time I see this.
Fall Fest at Eli's daycare. Yeah we are the parents who helped and volunteered. We pretty much rock.
Daddy and Eli. My loves. Forever and Ever.
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