Oh yes. THis was his church outfit. I made the tie onesie and I am pretty dang proud of it! Isn't he just the cutest thing?!?! I have a hard time just not eating him up. No really. Its a problem. ;)
As Carlos has started back to work and I obviously have not, we are finding ourselves trying to figure out a schedule (yet again) with work, baby, and "us" time. Fellow teachers understand that teaching is not just a "leave it at work" kind of job and because Carlos and I both teach, we always have a lot of work to do outside of the classroom. It used to be that Carlos would spend most of his nights and Sunday evening writing his plans and grading papers and I would generally do the same or at least try to get ahead of the game. Now with Elijah we are on a whole other playing field! Because I am on maternity leave for the next several weeks I have no problem taking care of little guy while the hubby works. But what happens when I go back to work? Granted, Eli will be a little older (if you consider 10 weeks older :) ) and may have more of his own schedule by then, but both of us working leaves little time for other things I would rather be doing as a family. Anyone who knows me, knows how much of a planner I am. So of course it bothers me that I don't know how we are going to work around our "work" schedules with Elijah. Of course, he comes first. Period, no matter what.
I write about this today because its the first Sunday since school started up again that Carlos has had to really work on plans and grades before the upcoming week. Reality is hitting that soon I will be back to the grind soon too. I am fearful that once we both are at work, we won't be able to juggle everything between work and home. I am sure every new, working parent comes face to face with this. The only thing I know, the only thing I realize, is this: We know that our little family is our number one priority. We fit work into our family schedule, not family into our work schedule.
Remember that whole "do something nice for yourself" idea in the last post? Well, I'm off to watch some trash TV while baby sleeps and Carlos works. I better hurry...who knows how long it will last. By that I don't mean baby waking up. I mean Carlos changing the channel. Argh.
You'll figure it out. As long as you continue to put your family first the rest just finds a place to fit. I'm a huge planner too and have had to learn to let go--my house is a mess 95% of the time, I have piles of laundry that never get folded, a stack of mail that doesn't ever seem to shrink and I worry that I don't spend enough time with my hubby for "us" time but I've slowly become okay with my house being a mess because I know it'll be there after I get done spending my time with J-man and the hubby. I don't take work home with anymore...I've learned and am learning how to use my time effectively at work (ie. not to spend all of it talking once the kiddos have gone). The hubby and I try to get out once a week for a date night which helps with the "us" time since it's completely different now with "baby makes three". I think the key to managing everything is just to remember to breathe and enjoy every minute you spend with your beautiful family...the rest can wait. =)